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Sunday, February 15, 2009

valz day

i even forgot about valz day hehe.


Saturday, February 14, 2009


i got the scholarship.. at CHIJ..
i dont know whether to be happy or not.  i want this, but only if everyone is received. okay, its an impossible wish, but im not feeling all that spirit anymore. i think if im didnt pass through the subject test, i wont cry.. but instead i cry when i got received. there are so many others who put much much much more amazing effort on this but i got this and i dont think i want this. god, im totally an ungrateful, egoist, and.. what else. i dont know. im depressed. i just feel a bit better because my parents really adore this news.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

dress up part uno!

heeyyy, i just got the pic from the dress up part uno at xenia's house. hehehe. here they are.
i look very very cacat on many many pic but its still very very fun :D

Monday, February 9, 2009

dress up part dos!

before i went to igna yesterday, melisa, vina, and i played dress up! this is part two for me because i've played dress up on friday. its very very very fun! hahaha. well, i dunno what to write so i'll just submit pictures.

better way of living

gw ketemu website lucuuuuu banget pas lagi browsing ttg tugas agama kesehatan jasmani. isinya udah gw copy kesini hehehe.
cara hidup sehat :

1.) Sikat gigimu min 2 kali sehari

2.) Berpakaian dengan sopan.

3.) Periksa gigimu 6 bulan sekali.

4.) Istirahat yang cukup.

5.) Keringkan rambutmu sebelum bepergian.

6.) Makan yang benar.

7.) Pergi berjemur sesekali.

8.) Gunakan selalu sabuk pengaman.

9.) Jauhi alkohol dan kopi.

10.) Senyumlah, karena dengan senyuman maka duniapun akan lebih cerah.

11.) Jangan terlalu memanjakan diri sendiri.

12.) Mandilah minimal 2 kali sehari.

13.) Bacalah untuk melatih otakmu.

14.) Bergaulah sesekali dengan teman-teman.

15.) Jangan terlalu banyak caffeine.

16.) Berolah ragalah sesekali.

17.) Check mata anda kedokter sesekali.

18.) Banyak2lah makan sayuran.

19.) Jadilah diri sendiri.

20.) Jadilah orang yang pema'af.

21.) Berliburlah.

22.) Rayakan dan syukurilah segala keberhasilan anda.

23.) Salurkan hobi anda.

24.) Cintailah sesama.