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Sunday, December 28, 2008


Sooo, yesterday i watched GPMB at istora senayan. At first when i reached the parking lot, i saw huge air balloon. mie sedaap's. WITH PUTRI SANTA URSULA banner under it. i said "Wow, its really extravagant". Then more surprised as i saw the tent with huge name of PSUMB. i look around and notice, many mie sedaap SPG walking around. well, not really SPG. just peopless wearing mie sedaap's tees.

 i thought everyone should wear it. then i notice the PSUMB mark. WOW, ITS ALL SANURIANS! evelyn, angel, and me get inside. we watch at the north seat. sanur is the first order and i just noticed how many banner around the istora. 5 green huge banner, and many-many go-fight-win-yeah poster. theeeennn PSUMB are called! guess what, im astonished by the formation! its sooooo neat, organized, jusst... amazing. well, i dont really like the guard's costume. its kindda weird-sorry. even though they play the flags, weapons, sabers AWESOME. i didnt notice any fall i guess. well, its just astonishing!
then the BCK rumbai. their guard are amazing. i guess that's what u call color guard. they change their  costume 3 times and used many many flag combination. but, they drop the saber and weapon a lot, so they just freakin creative.
nexttt isss the jin's-look-alike-guard. i dunno what the hell with their costume. it just look like really really big, likee a BALL. with more eye-hurting color costume..
mm well i forgot the next next. i just remember the ISTIQLAL MB. they use lucky alamsiyah -i dunno wether its alam-si-ah or alam-si-yah- the celebrity as field com. well, he iss really extravagant, "lebay" is easier term for it. hahaha. 
so watching GPMB is really great andd guess-what, PSUMB WON!! RANK 1! amazingg. anndd i guess many many other kind of award that we won which i dunno hehehe. soo congratulation PSUMB! photosss will be updated later!


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